

發布時間:2023-11-25來源:LearnWill Cultural Center



HER POWER - Women's Career Forum


Thriving in Your Early Career Years


On November 18th, A Women's Career Forum was coorganized by SIP Working Committee of Women,  Learn-Will Cultural Exchange Center, Women in Business Suzhou, and TUS Suzhou. Nearly 60  university students, corporate employees, and entrepreneurs gathered together to discuss topics such as how women handle relationships in their workplace, work-life balance, and make early career choices.



本次論壇的主要分享嘉賓是來自英國的Rebecca Scott, 是一名跨國公司資深人力資源總監,有超過30年的職場經驗。她向在場的女性分享了她自己職業生涯的關鍵決策和重要節點,通過自己的親身經歷,鼓勵女性在職場中要積極尋找自己的伯樂,把握機會勇敢超越自我。

The main keynote speaker at the forum was Rebecca Scott, a senior human resources director in a multinational company with over 30 years of workplace experience. She shared key decisions and important milestones in her own career, encouraging women in the workplace to actively seek out mentors and seize opportunities to exceed themselves based on her personal experiences.





The forum was hosted by Professor Dr. Ellen Touchstone, Associate Dean of the International Business School at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, who also shared her own career experience and provided valuable advice to the female participants, especially female college students who are about to face employment.




論壇的討論環節邀請到了:蘇州啟迪科技園總經理,蘇州工業園區女企業家協會秘書長,西交利物浦大學校外導師華瑩、西交利物浦大學副教授Julie Bilby博士、Michel Page蘇州商務職能招聘負責人Chloris Liu等嘉賓,分別就女性領導能力,如何和年輕一代員工相處以及跨文化團隊發展等方面和大家分享觀點、碰撞思維。

During the discussion session of the forum, the General Manager of the TusPark, the Secretary-General of Suzhou Industrial Park Women Entrepreneurs Association, and the external mentor of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Ingrid Hua; Associate Professor Julie Bilby from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University; and Chloris Liu, the Leader of Senior Recruitment at Michael Page Suzhou, each shared their own views on women's leadership abilities, how to interact with the younger generation of employees, and the development of cross-cultural teams.





The inspiring sharing sessions deeply inspired the participants at the event, who actively asked questions and interacted with the speakers, taking advantage of this opportunity to refine their career plans and find answers to their doubts. After the event, everyone continued to exchange ideas in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, seeking inspiration with the afternoon tea sponsored by IBSS at XJTLU.




This forum is an event where women empower each other, part of the Her Power: Mutual Support Program for Women. It aims to provide an opportunity for all women to share and communicate, and to help women in the workplace unleash their "Her Power" through the power of the women community.

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